- These results may be useful in designing helices-BWT or TWT. 这些结果可用于螺旋线返波管或行波管的设计。
- Whole-tube simulation provides reference for TWT design. 整管模拟为行波管设计提供了依据。
- multimode TWT 多模行波管
- Analysis on dispersion characteristics of helical groove gyro TWT[J]. 引用该论文 杨家栋;宫玉彬;魏彦玉;黄民智;王文祥.
- The one of the distinguished advantage of the filter type slow wave circuit using in TWT is its property of suppression the BWO. 滤波性慢波线行波管的另一优点,是它的抑止返波振荡的性质。
- Our simulated results are of some technological interest in fabrication of helical TWT. 这为生产厂家在考虑成本的前提下,有效控制工艺参数,提供了具有实际指导意义的参考。
- TWT plays an important role as high power and wide band microwave generator and microwave amplifier. 行波管作为高功率宽频带的微波源和重要的微波信号放大器在相关行业中具有不可替代的地位。
- The simulation is precise and rapid and it is of importance for the first and fast designs of a helix TWT. 由于计算速度快,模拟结果较好,对螺旋线行波管的初步设计和验证具有较强的指导意义。
- Electron gun is one of the key components of coupled-cavity traveling-wave tube(TWT). 电子枪是耦合腔行波管的核心部件之一,枪的电子束参数对行波管工作性能有重要影响。
- This paper introduces the application of CPLD in monitoring and controlling system of TWT transmitter. 介绍了CPLD在行波管发射机监控系统中的应用。
- Application and technology essentials of vacuum evaporation film used in high power helix TWT are summarized. 摘要就真空蒸发镀膜在大功率螺旋线行波管上的应用、工艺要点进行了总结。
- Abstract: The double taper helix slow wave structure is one of the most widely used slow wave structures in space TWT. 摘 要: 双渐变螺旋线慢波结构是空间行波管中使用最广的慢波结构之一。
- Pinghu Fm. of TWT Well 1 (1549.5m in thickness) have been interpreted by various views. 该井平湖组沉积相历来有多种看法,本文比较了前人工作成果,提出新的认识。
- The dynamic velocity taper and induced second harmonic are analyzed which improve the miniature TWT efficiency using computer simulation based on Rowe large signal theory. 本文以罗埃大信号理论为基础,对提高小型化行波管效率的动态速度渐变技术和二次谐波的抑制问题进行了模拟计算分析。
- One of the most important measures that are used to make TWT work stably and reliably is to suppress all kinds of self-oscillations, including BWO. 三、为了使行波管能够稳定可靠地工作,抑制各种自激振荡是最重要的措施之一,而抑制返波振荡尤为重要。
- We call it TWT photonic burst network because it employs OTDM in the regional network and OWDM in the long haul backbone network. 由于在区域网络中使用光时分复用技术,而在长距离骨干网络中使用光波分复用技术,因此称之为TWT光突发网络。
- A dispersion equation of the tunneladder TWT was derived,and the small signal gain and the working phase velocity were computed. 计算结果表明:沟道梯型结构行波管每周期的增益高,带宽窄;
- In this dissertation, we have made detail study on TWT three-dimensional nonlinear beam-wave interaction and its network parellel computing. 本论文对行波管中三维非线性注波互作用及其网络并行计算进行了深入的研究。
- Under this condition,the dispersion profile,the position of attenuator,server and resynchronization designs for the octave helix TWT are discussed. 在此基础上,探讨了色散曲线布局,衰减器配置,切断位置,再同步设计等倍频程螺旋线行波管的设计方法。
- Dynamic thermal dissipation of cathode module in electron gun of traveling wave tube(TWT) were theoretically simulated with a newly-developed model. 阴极作为行波管的“心脏”,其内部结构的热耗散是影响行波管预热时间的关键问题,热传导和热辐射是引起阴极组件内部热耗散的最重要因素。